Research on Berth-Quay Crane Joint Scheduling Considering Carbon Emission
Abstract—With the increasing awareness of environmental protection, all walks of life a are paying more and more attention to the carbon dioxide emissions brought by their own industries. For the container terminal, a large proportion of carbon emissions come from the fuel consumption of vessels. In this paper, the consideration of carbon emissions is added to the original berth quay crane joint scheduling problem, and the constraints such as vessel preference for berths and quay crane interference are added. A dual-objective nonlinear mixed integer programming model is established to minimize carbon emissions and minimize costs. The model is solved by the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm with Elite Strategy, and the optimal scheduling scheme is obtained. Finally, the calculation examples are verified to prove the effectiveness and practicability of the model and algorithm.
Index Terms—container terminal, berth allocation, quay crane allocation, multi-objective, joint scheduling
Cite: Rui Yang and Junqing Sun, "Research on Berth-Quay Crane Joint Scheduling Considering Carbon Emission," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 1-6, June 2021. doi: 10.18178/jiii.9.1.1-6
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