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RFID Configuration for Part Monitoring in Job Shop Production System

Mohammad Iqbal 1 and Azmi Hassan 2
1. Department of Manufacturing and Material Engineering. Kulliyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia
2. Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Spain Institute, Malaysia

Abstract—Job-shop production system produces several types of product at the same time. The work parts are transported among the stations following the routing according to the type of the product. Some of the stations are shared by different product. Consequently the production line has a set of complex process flows and material handling process become difficult. The setup time is required whenever type of product is change at a station which results with the increasing of waiting time and work-in-process inventory. This situation makes the monitoring of part flow is essential as the information for production management and control. This paper discusses the work part monitoring system in job-shop production line by using Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID). The system was developed under Microsoft Visual Studio software and built using CSL High Level API Manual software for CSL CS-461 RFID. RFID chip was attached at each work part and antennas are installed at several locations in the production line. A set of experiment were conducted to investigate the effect of chip orientation at the work part to the reading performance of the antenna. The result shows that the system is able to detect the number and location of the work part. The information could be used to monitor the current waiting time and number of work-in-process in the production line.

Index Terms—Job shop, production system, radion frequency identification device

Cite: Mohammad Iqbal and Azmi Hassan, "RFID Configuration for Part Monitoring in Job Shop Production System," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 12-15, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/jiii.5.1.12-15
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