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Optimization of Well Location, Type and Trajectory by a Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the PUNQ-S3 Model

Shuaiwei Ding, Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li, Guangwei Liu, and Lidong Mi
Key Laboratory of Petroleum Engineering of the Ministry of Education, China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China

Abstract—Determining the optimum well location, type and trajectory in an oil field is a challenging work for reservoir engineers. The problem is more complicated due to the wide variety of possible well types that must be considered. In this paper, a general methodology for the optimization of well location, type and trajectory in the combination of a modified particle swarm optimization algorithm and a well optimization model is presented. The modified particle swarm optimization algorithm is first discussed, and then the optimization model of well location, type and trajectory is proposed, and finally the implementation of the method for different well placement optimization problems for PUNQ-S3 model including different drive methods and well types is described. The results show the modification of standard particle swarm optimization algorithm is effective and the type (vertical, horizontal and deviated well) and the number of wells should also be an optimization parameter. For PUNQ-S3 model, it is reasonable to use vertical wells instead of horizontal or deviated wells and it is not wise to use water injection wells in the early development stage due to the strength of the aquifer.

Index Terms—well location optimization, well type optimization, standard particle swarm optimization algorithm, modified particle swarm optimization algorithm, PUNQ-S3 model, reservoir simulation

Cite: Shuaiwei Ding, Hanqiao Jiang, Junjian Li, Guangwei Liu, and Lidong Mi, "Optimization of Well Location, Type and Trajectory by a Modified Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for the PUNQ-S3 Model," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 27-33, March 2016. doi: 10.12720/jiii.4.1.27-33
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