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Complex Product Development Approach Considering Value and Cost for the Stakeholders Along the Product Lifecycle

Tertuliano Ribeiro Pinto1, Geilson Loureiro2,3, and Luiz Eduardo Vergueiro Loures da Costa2,3
1.Institute of Aeronautical Technology (ITA)/Production, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
2.Brazilian National Space Research Institute/LIT, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
3.Institute of Aeronautical and Space /DCTA-IAE, Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil
Abstract—This paper aims to propose and demonstrate a method for assessing cost and the value for Stakeholders along complex products lifecycle. The method includes the product analysis to identify all the lifecycle phases and respective activities, the stakeholder mapping, classification and selection, relationship to the product and, at final, the data weighing to give a normalized view of cost and value perceived by the stakeholders during the product entire lifecycle. The method runs alongside the early product development process showing how cost and value may vary according to the product lifecycle. Metrics derived in the method can be used to manage the stakeholders to aim get successes during the life of a complex product. The method is demonstrated on the SARA suborbital system developed by the Institute of Aeronautics and Space and the Brazilian industry, in São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil. SARA is a small Brazilian satellite for microgravity experiments with reentry in atmosphere. This project is adequate for demonstrating the method due the complexity involved. Main stakeholders in the project are scientists, systems architects, industry, funding agencies. In an article presented in the 2008 International Aeronautical Congress the initial studies were shown and now the method is presented in its final version.
Index Terms—complex product, cost, value, product development, stakeholders analysis

Cite: Tertuliano Ribeiro Pinto, Geilson Loureiro, and Luiz Eduardo Vergueiro Loures da Costa, "Complex Product Development Approach Considering Value and Cost for the Stakeholders Along the Product Lifecycle," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 186-196, September 2015. doi: 10.12720/jiii.3.3.186-196
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