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Stochastic Lot Sizing for Shareholder Wealth Maximisation under Carbon Footprint Management

X. J. Wang and S. H. Choi
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Abstract—There is a growing consensus that human beings must cut greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate global warming and the resultant impacts on the environment. However, production optimisation has rarely taken this issue into consideration, often leading to environmentally unsustainable operation decisions. This paper presents a lot sizing batch optimisation model for a stochastic make-toorder production environment under the carbon emission trading mechanism—currently the most effective marketbased carbon emission controlling system, with an aim to maximise the long-term sustainable interests of corporate owners, well-known as the shareholder wealth. To more closely reflect the real-world manufacturing environment, the proposed model adopts general distributions, instead of unrealistic theoretical assumptions, for random variables. We apply the model to investigate the impacts of the carbon emission trading mechanism on shareholder wealth, and test its hedging capability against a series of risk factors. The analytical results provide insights into production optimisation with carbon footprint management.

Index Terms—carbon emission, stochastic programming, shareholder wealth, lot sizing, make-to-order

Cite: X. J. Wang and S. H. Choi, "Stochastic Lot Sizing for Shareholder Wealth Maximisation under Carbon Footprint Management," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-8, March 2015. doi: 10.12720/jiii.3.1.1-8
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