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Noninvasive Sensor Technology for Total Hemoglobin Measurement in Blood

Kumar. R1 and Ranganathan. H2
1.Research Scholar, Sathyabama University, Chennai-600119, India
2.Principal, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chennai-602117, India
Abstract—Anemia is a globally dreaded health hazard. To reduce the complications due to anemia, Hb level needs to be measured. There are number of methods available for estimating Hb value in blood. Current methods require an invasive and painful needle stick to draw a blood sample. Then it is sent to a laboratory for analysis, with results reported back to the physician later, potentially resulting in diagnosis and treatment delay. There is a requirement for simple method suitable in rural settings. Hemoglobin in blood exhibits the optical properties such as absorption, Transmission and reflection of photons in various proportions based on the wave length of photons .In this discussion photons at appropriate wave lengths (740nm and 805nm) are pumped into the skin on the finger where it is optically least resistant and the Transmitted photons from the Hb content of the blood are received at a photo detector which converts them into electrical signal. Then received signal strength can be calibrated in terms of Hb content in blood. An instrument which is working on this optical property exhibited by Hb is designed. 100 real-time samples are collected at clinical Laboratory; results are compared with standard methods. Early results are encouraging.

Index Terms—Estimation of Hemoglobin in Blood, Transmission and reflections of photon at varies wave length, Fingertip Pulse oxmetry

Cite: Kumar. R and Ranganathan. H, "Noninvasive Sensor Technology for Total Hemoglobin Measurement in Blood," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 243-246, December 2013. doi: 10.12720/jiii.1.4.243-246
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