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Study of Brand Affinity and Crowd Craze

Prabal Mahanta and Kapil Ratnani
SAP Labs India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, India
Abstract—There has been several technical advances in the domain of supply chain and brand marketing but there are few studies which try to explain the impact of random events on the supply chain of the brand item and also how to position the brand in the market and how the certain social events and people choice can affect the market of the particular product. There are certain intangible aspects, which the brand may not be ready to compete and meet the challenge. This leads to failure of the brand and sometimes this helps to rebuild the brand. Here we see it from the algorithmic point of view on how to create the simulation environment on local machines and cloud infrastructure. The paper presents the conceptual research that deals with the study of the issue and also simulates the same.

Index Terms—bigdata, simulation, affinity, crowd simulation

Cite: Prabal Mahanta and Kapil Ratnani, "Study of Brand Affinity and Crowd Craze," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 223-225, December 2013. doi: 10.12720/jiii.1.4.223-225
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