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A Framework for Developing Boolean Set Implicit Blends from an Existing Union or Intersection Blend in Soft Object Modeling

Pi-Chung Hsu
Department of Information Management, Shu-Te University, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Abstract—In implicit surface, soft object modeling is getting popular because a complex soft object is able to be constructed easily by performing a soft (union) blend on primitive soft objects. Especially soft blend has lower computing complexity than other existing implicit blends because it dose addition operation only. However, in soft object modeling existing implicit blends still do not provide intersection blend containing blending range parameters for generating sequential blends, and precisely only intersection and union blends are developed. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes two frameworks that can transform an existing union or intersection blend into a new family of Boolean set blending operations, including union, intersection, and difference blends. Based on the proposed frameworks, this paper has transformed scale function, developed from the scale method for an intersection blend, and soft blend, respectively, into two new groups of Boolean set blending operations with blending range parameters. The newly proposed Boolean set operations not only offer blending range parameters for blending range control but also have lower computing complexity and they especially can do bulge elimination in a union blend.

Index Terms—soft object, implicit surface, blending operations, boolean set operations

Cite: Pi-Chung Hsu, "A Framework for Developing Boolean Set Implicit Blends from an Existing Union or Intersection Blend in Soft Object Modeling," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 191-195, December 2013. doi: 10.12720/jiii.1.4.191-195
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