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New Educational Approach to Direct Experience through Embedded System Design and Implementation

Kenji Ohmori, Xiao Fan, and Ryo Mizutani
Computer and Information Sciences, Hosei University, Tokyo 184-8584, Japan
Abstract—Direct experience is necessary in the information age, where virtual and indirect experiences are becoming increasingly common. Designing and implementing embedded systems give innovative, effective, and importantly, direct experience to students of computer science and information technology. Communicating sequential processes (CSP), which are effectively implemented by an event-driven and multi-thread processor, have an advantage in understanding the design and implementation of an embedded system because design concepts are implemented in a natural way. We propose a new educational approach, in which a formal development method called incrementally modular abstraction hierarchy (IMAH) is employed. As an example, a line-tracing car is designed and implemented using IMAH.

Index Terms—embedded systems, communicating sequential processes, event-driven and multi-thread processor, incrementally modular abstraction hierarchy

Cite: Kenji Ohmori, Xiao Fan, and Ryo Mizutani, "New Educational Approach to Direct Experience through Embedded System Design and Implementation," Journal of Industrial and Intelligent Information, Vol.1, No.3, pp. 174-178, September 2013. doi: 10.12720/jiii.1.3.174-178
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